Friday, January 25, 2008

Once again the last person on earth to hear about a cool application

How did Apple's Quartz Composer never come up on my radar? I had to find out about it from this post on

Lily: Browser Beatboxes and the Rebirth of Max-Like Patching

...and that was posted in August of last year.

Anyway, here's the official Apple intro page for it, and QC looks very interesting.

Working with Quartz Composer

Additionally, it comes free with Apple's development tools on Mac OS X, so that makes it even better!

Here's a quote from CDM that I particularly liked:

First, Apple quietly acquired the developer of a little-known live visual/VJ app called Pixelshox, transformed it into a new app called Quartz Composer, made it part of the Mac OS X developer tools, and made it central to their UI efforts. One day, a tiny VJ app with a cult following, the next, central to Cupertino’s OS strategy? Interesting.